VDS1022 – Osciloscopio Digital OWON USB P/ PC 25MHz 2 CHx

– Ancho de banda de 25 MHz
– 2 CH
– Longitud de registro 5k
– alimentación del bus USB



– Ancho de banda de 25 MHz
– 2 CH
– Longitud de registro 5k
– alimentación del bus USB


– Cable USB de alimentacion
– CD Rom con el software
– Manual de usuario
– 2 Puntas de prueba x1:x10


Diseño de cuerpo ultra delgado y de fácil portabilidad:

1. RS232 port (optional)
2. USB port : power supplying via USB bus, communicating with PC
3. LAN port (optional) : remote control
4. Channel 1 signal input
5. Channel 2 signal input
6 .EXT trigger input, trigger output, or Pass/Fail output
7. probe compensation : measurement signal (3.3V/1KHz) output

Memoria de grabación de 5 K.

Opción de Trigger múltiple:

Edge, Video, Slope, Pulse, Alternate

Modo X-Y, modo FFT con forma de onda visualizada en la misma pantalla


– Bandwidth 25MHz
– Channel 2+1 (multi)
– Sample Rate 100MS/s
– Horizontal Scale (s/div) 5ns/div – 100s/div, step by 1 – 2 – 5
– Rise Time =14ns
– Record Length 5K
– Input Coupling DC, AC, and GND
– Input Impedance 1MO : 2%, in parallel with 10pF : 5pF
– Channel Isolation 50Hz : 100 : 1 ; 10MHz : 40 : 1
– Max Input Voltage 40V (DC + AC peak)
– DC Gain Accuracy :3%
– DC Accuracy Average=16 : (3% reading + 0.05 div) for ?T
– Probe Attenuation Factor 1X, 10X, 100X, 1000X
– LF Respond (AC, -3dB) =10Hz (at input, AC coupling, -3dB)
– Sample Rate / Relay Time
– Accuracy: 150ps
– Interpolation sin(x)/x
– Interval (DeltaT) Accuracy
– (full bandwidth)
– Single :  (1 interval time + 100ppm reading + 0.6ns),
– Average >16 : (1 interval time + 100ppm reading + 0.4ns)
– Vertical Resolution (A/D) 8 bits (2 channels simultaneously)
– Vertical Sensitivity 5mV/div – 5V/div
– Trigger Type Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope, and Alternate
– Trigger Mode Auto, Normal, and Single
– Trigger Level :5 divisions from screen center
– Acquisition Mode Sample, Peak Detect, and Average
– Line / Field Frequency (video) NTSC, PAL, and SECAM standard
– Cursor Measurement DeltaV, and DeltaT between cursors
– Automatic Measurement: Vpp, Vavg, Vrms, Freq, Period, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Vamp, Overshoot, Preshoot,
– Rise Time, Fall Time, Delay A:B , Delay A:B , +Width, -Width, +Duty, -Duty, Delay A:B , Width, -Width, Duty, -Duty, Waveform Math +, -, *, /, invert, FFT
– Lissajous Figure: Bandwidth full bandwidth ; Phase Difference :3 degrees
-Communication Interface: USB2.0.
– Signal Type synchronized input / output, Pass / Fail , external trigger input
– Level Standard TTL
– Power Supply 5.0V/1A
– Power Consumption =2,5W
– Dimensions (W x H x D) 170 x 120 x 18 (mm)
– Device Weight 0.26 kg


– Cable USB de alimentacion
– CD Rom con el software
– Manual de usuario
– 2 Puntas de prueba x1:x10
-Bolso opcional


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